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According to the Decree of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine July 8, 2009 № 1-05/3, Collected Works "Digital technologies" is included in the list of professional publications Ukraine, published in the Bulletin of the HAC of Ukraine № 8, 2009, p. 6; scientific articles published in scientific papers "Digital technologies", are counted as professional in technical sciences.

Certified as professional edition Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine of 8.07.2009 № 1-05/3

Included in the Russian science citation index (RISC) under the contract № 521-08/2013

Printed in accordance with the decision the Academic Council of Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication n.a. A.S. Popov. State Registration Certificate KB № 13151-2035R issued by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine August 2007

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Current Issue

No. 28 (2020)
					View No. 28 (2020)

Digital Technologies: Collection / Ukr., Odessa: O.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications, 2020. – No. 28. – 91 p.

The results of studies in the field of digital information and communication technologies research and teaching staff, leading experts, engineers and graduates of O.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications (ONAT), as well as researchers and scientists of educational institutions and research organizations involved in scientific research and practical developments in the direction of digital technology are presented.The collection is designed for scientific and pedagogical workers, engineers, graduate students and students of educational institutions

Printed in accordance with the decision the Scientific and Research Board of O.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications, protocol № 2 dated December 12, 2020   https://doi.org/10.33243/2313-7010-28
Published: 2021-04-01
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Тематические рубрики: Информатика, Радиофизика. Физические основы электроники, Акустика, Электротехника, Электроника. Радиотехника, Общие вопросы электроники и радиотехники, Проектирование и конструирование электронных приборов и радиоэлектронной аппаратуры, Квантовая электроника, Радиоэлектронные схемы, Антенны. Волноводы. Элементы СВЧ-техники, Радиопередающие и радиоприемные устройства, Радиотехнические системы зондирования, локации и навигации , Телевизионная техника, Запись и воспроизведение сигналов, Электроакустика, ультразвуковая и инфразвуковая техника, Системы и устройства отображения информации, Связь, Теория связи, Система передачи, Многоканальная связь, Сети и узлы связи, Системы передачи движущихся изображений и звука, Радиосвязь и радиовещание, Телевидение, Автоматика. Вычислительная техника, Телемедецина и другие