
  • В Х Корбан
  • Д В Корбан
  • Л Н Дегтярева


In the article the radio-location method of recognition of different objects is reasonable by the quantitative estimation of polarization properties of the casual electromagnetic field on the basis of factorization of parameters of Stokes and coefficients of matrix of dispersion of the looked after object. The task of radio-location discovery, recognition and supervision of objects, is examined taking into account their polarization properties and polarization parameters of electromagnetic wave on a radiation and reception. Polarization parameters provide the identification of the structure and properties of objects in the zone of operation of the radar system with the required user completeness. By measuring the polarization module elements of the scattering matrix on a linear basis is determined by the structure of the object. Thesaurus based on the available detection is performed by comparing the echo signals from the object to the bank of known objects. Detection is performed using an arsenal of mathematical structures with uncertainty, characterized by statistical, probabilistic or using odd sets. However, when forming the thesaurus recorded radar echoes depend essentially on the conditions of the radar observation of the object. These signals can be fully restored for all viewing conditions, if we know the scattering matrix object. The process is complicated by the radar detection object in the presence of meteorological formations that screen object and the echo signals are input to the radar receiver as a sum of echo and meteorological formations object echo. Used object recognition techniques, located in the zone of precipitation falling ineffective. The recognition problem can be solved by using polarization analysis of the echo signals at the receiver which allows to allocate an echo of the object and the echo signal meteorological background.



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