
  • M. Ye. Ilchenko NTUU “Kiev polytechnic institute”
  • S. O. Kravchuk NTUU “Kiev polytechnic institute”
  • T. M. Narytnik NTUU “Kiev polytechnic institute”


The analytic review of theoretical and experimental research and development of tele- communication systems in the sub-terahertz elements, devices, ideas , methods and technologies of optics (Photonics) and microwave technology (electronics), as well as promising research in this area of telecom- munications, in particular the development of transport and distribution networks (Mobile backhaul) and the establishment of wireless communication lines with a noise carrier in subterahertz frequency range.


Kim S., Ahn S.-H., and Park S. S. “Design and Experiment Results of High-Speed Wireless Link Us- ing Sub-terahertz Wave Generated by Photonics-Based Technology.” ETRI Journal 35.4 (2013): 578-86. Print. C. Jastrow, K. Mu ̈nter, R. Piesiewicz, T. Ku ̈rner, M. Koch, and T. Kleine-Ostmann. “300 GHz Transmission Sys- tem.” Electronics Letters 44.3 (2008): 75-77. Print.

Jornet J.M., and Akyildiz I.F. “Plasmonic Nano-transceiver for Terahertz Band Communication.” Proc. of the 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) (2014): 134-35. Web. The Hague, The Netherlands, April

Jornet J.M., and Akyildiz I.F. “Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano-antenna for Terahertz Band Com- munication in Nanonetworks.” IEEE JSAC, Special Issue on Emerging Technologies for Communications 12.12 (2013): 685-94. Print.

J. K. Park, S. M. Song, J. H. Mun, and B. J. Cho. “Graphene Gate Electrode for MOS Structure- based Electronic Devices.” Nano Letters 11.12 (2011): 5383-386. Print.

Dyakonov M., and Shur M. “Shallow Water Analogy for a Ballistic Field Effect Transistor: New Mechanism of Plasma Wave Generation by Dc Current.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 71 (1993): 2465-468. Print.

Crowne F. J. “Contact Boundary Conditions and the Dyakonov-Shur Instability in High Electron Mo- bility Transistors.” Journal of Applied Physics 82.3 (1997): 1242-254. Print.

W. Knap, J. Lusakowski, T. Parenty, S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, V. Popov, and M. Shur. “Terahertz Emis- sion by Plasma Waves in 60 nm Gate High Electron Mobility Transistors.” Applied Physics Letters 84.13 (2004): 2331-333. Print.

W. Knap, F. Teppe, N. Dyakonova, D. Coquillat, and J. Lusakowski. “Plasma Wave Oscillations in Nanometer Field Effect Transistors for Terahertz Detection and Emission.” Journal of Physics: Condensed Mat- ter 20.38 (2008): 384205. Print.

T. Otsuji, T. Watanabe, S. Boubanga Tombet, A. Satou, , W. Knap, V. Popov, M. Ryzhii, and V. Ryzhii. “Emission and Detection of Terahertz Radiation Using Two-dimensional Electrons in Iii-v Semiconductors and Graphene.” IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 3.1 (2013): 63-71. Print.

P. Xu, S. D. Barber, M. L. Ackerman, J. Kevin Schoelz, and P. M. Thibado. “Role of Bias Voltage and Tunneling Current in the Perpendicular Displacements of Freestanding Graphene via Scanning Tunneling Microscopy.” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 31.4 (2013): 04D103. Print.

F. H. L. Koppens, , D.E. Chang, and F.J. Garcia de Abajo. “Graphene Plasmonics: A Platform for Strong Light Matter Interactions.” Nano Letters 11.8 (2011): 3370-377. Print.

Grigorenko A.N., Polini M., and Novoselov K.S. “Graphene Plasmonics.” Nature Photonics 6.11 (2012): 749-58. Print.

Moeller L., Federici J., and Su K. “THz Wireless Communications: 2.5 Gb/s Error-free Transmission at 625 GHz Using a Narrow-bandwidth 1 MW THz Source.” General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2011XXXth URSI (2011): 1-4. Print.

M. Inoue, M. Hodono, S. Horiguchi, K. Arakawa, M. Fujita, and T. Nagatsuma. “Ultra-broadband Re- ceivers Using Polymeric Substrate for Multiband Terahertz Communications.”// Proc. of the “2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory” (2013): 211-14. Print.

Ilchenco M.Ye., Kalinin V.I., Narytnik T.N., and Cherepenin V.A. “Wireless UWB Ecological Safety Communications at 70 Nanowatt Radiation Power.” 21st Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave & Telecommunication Technology” (CriMiCo’2012), Conf. Proceedings (2011): 355-56. Print.

Didkovskij R.M., Pervuninskij S.M., and Bokla N.I. “Bazovye Metody Moduljacii Stohasticheskih Signalov.” Doklady BGUIR. 4.74 (2013): 50-55. Print.

Pervunіns'kij S.M., Dіdkovs'kij R.M., Metelap V.V., and Tobіlevich Ju.Ye. “Matematichne Modeljuvannja Sistem Zv’jazku z Koreljacіjno-Chasovoju Moduljacієju.” Vіsnyk Cherkas'kogo Unіversitetu. (Serіja: Prikladna Matematika). 83 (2006): 112-13. Print.

Ilchenko M.Ye. Kalinin V.I, Narytnik T.N., Chapursky V.V., and Cherepenin V.A. “Wireless Terahertz Low Power UWB Communications.” 22nd Int. Crimean Conf. “Microwave & Telecommunication Technology” (CriMiCo’2012), Conf. Proceedings (2012): 302-30. Print.

Ilchenko M.Ye., Kalinin V.I, Narytnik T.N., Chapursky V.V., and Cherepenin V.A. “Wireless Te- rahertz Communications with Spectral Modulation of Ultra-wideband Noise Signals.” Telecommunication Science 3.2 (2012): 39-44. Print.

B. Thomas, A. Maestrini, J. Gill, C. Lee, R. Lin, , I. Mehdi, and P. De Maagt. “An 874 GHz Fun- damental Balanced Mixer Based on MMIC Membrane Planar Schottky Diodes.” 21st International Symposi- um on Space Terahertz Technology (2010): 155-58. Print.

B. Thomas, A. Maestrini, J. Gill, C. Lee, R. Lin, , I. Mehdi, and P. De Maagt. “An 874 GHz Fun- damental Balanced Mixer Based on MMIC Membrane Planar Schottky Diodes.” 21st International Symposi- um on Space Terahertz Technology (2010): 155-58. Print.

B. Zhang, B. Alderman, Z. Chen, Y. Fan, X. Yang, and X. Yang. “The Design of a 200-240-GHz Sub-Harmonic Mixer Based on RAL’s Planar Schottky Diodes.” Terahertz Science and Technology 4.3 (2011): 90-94. Print.

Narytnik Т.N. “Possibilities of Using THz-Band Radio Communication // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering.” 73.15 (2014): 1361-371. Print.

Ilchenko M.Ye., Narytnik T.M., Ali Abdalla Ibrahim Idris, Didkowsky R.M., and Osama Turabi. “Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Use of Stochastic Signals in Telecommunication Systems.” Telecommunications and Ra- dio Engineering 73.20 (n.d.): 1791-817. Print.

Naritnik T.M., and R.M. Dіdkovskij. "Principy Pobudovy Nadshirokosmugovoї Sistemi Radіoz-v'jazku v Sub-teragercovomu Dіapazonі Chastot." Problemi Telekomunіkacіj 3.15 (2014): n. pag. Web. <http://pt.journal.kh.ua /2014/3/1/143_ilchenko_wireless.pdf>.

Zgurovs'kij M.Z., Іl'chenko M.Ju., Naritnik T.M., Dіdkovs'kij R.M., and Kravchuk S.O. "Telekomunіkacіjna Sistema Bagatokanal'noї Peredachі Cifrovoї іnformacії Shumovimi Signalami." (n.d.): n. pag. Print. Patent na korisnu model' No 88917, (Ukraїna). – opubl.10.04.2014r. Bjul.No7


