
  • G. YEGOSHYNA O. S. Popov Odesa National Academy of Telecommunications
  • S. VORONOY O. S. Popov Odesa National Academy of Telecommunications
  • O. PALII O. S. Popov Odesa National Academy of Telecommunications


The article considers a possibility of solving the problem of improving scalability index of web applications developed in accordance with the API-first strategy. It is shown that the task of increasing the indicator of software portability is the most relevant for the development of mobile applications. It analyzes the current trend of transferring the main business logic of applications from user devices to the network, which reduces the time spent on developing the client part of the application and greatly simplifies the process of its implementation. These processes affect the development of web-based applications also. The features of using the development strategies “desktop-first” and “mobile-first” are considered. The advantages of using the API-first concept and architecture features of the API-first web service architecture are considered. All requests for web services are carried out through a single and locally standardized web API. The resource-intensive web pages formation can be made in a separate structure hosted on the same machine or in a separate web server. In conditions of complete independence between the implementation of data representations of the server part and the user interface of the client part, it turns out to be impossible to provide instant access to the entire user audience in the updated list of application functions. The proposed solution is based on the using of an intermediate system for dynamic generation of the user interface for the building of the web interface. At the same time, this module should be general both for the further user interface building in the form of a web page, and for its presentation using a dynamic interface assembled from graphic components provided by the application operating system.
API First Web Service Architecture with support for SUI





