
  • N.V. Zakharchenko O.S. Popov Odesa National Academy o f Telecommunications
  • M.М. Hajiyev O.S. Popov Odesa National Academy of Telecommunications
  • N.S. Salmanov O.S. Popov Odesa National Academy of Telecommunications
  • D.V. Golev O.S. Popov Odesa National Academy of Telecommunications
  • К.S. Sedov O.S. Popov Odesa National Academy of Telecommunications



In the process of transmitting signals over channels of different data transmission systems to provide high reliability and transmission performance can use various coding methods and ways of converting transmitted data. Moreover, each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages in comparison with others. For example, when using timer signaling structures (TSC), it is possible to provide the transmission of significantly more information in one time interval in comparison, for example, with positional coding. Also, classical positional coding is inferior in such important parameters of data transmission as information capacity and entropy. At the same time, the used language of the transmitted text information significantly affects the results of calculating these parameters, based on which the calculations are carried out or the type of text used (literary, technical, etc.). Also, the result of the calculations can be affected by the volume of the analyzed text (the influence is likely to be noticeable in particular cases, and not in general). In these conditions, the possibility of using a certain / adapted type of coding of the transmitted data in the corresponding information transmission systems becomes especially important. Conducted theoretical studies show that timer signal coding under these conditions can be successfully applied in residual class systems, in contrast to positional coding. This possibility provides a number of advantages over the classical positional coding method in terms of reliability, performance and amount of transmitted information. To fully confirm the validity of the results obtained in the course of theoretical research, it is necessary to conduct appropriate practical research, for example, with the simulation on a software model of the application of a particular transmission system with different coding principles.





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